Be on the safe side
What is LarynxLock?
Smart and easy to use device
solving laryngeal air leaks!
Problem with SAD
(Supraglottic Airway Device)
Air leakage (10% of all cases)
Due to incomplete mask seal
Worldwide 16 million times per year
Interventions up until now
A better solution is LarynxLock!
LarynxLock is an innovative device that helps anaesthesiologists significantly reduce patient risk. By applying upward pressure to the soft tissue of the bottom of the mouth, the internal anatomical shape is restored and the leakage is solved.
Lift the weak part of the floor of the mouth and thus stop the leakage.
The specially designed pusher is key to give the right amount of pressure in the correct area.
Head band
Holds the pusher in the correct position.
This preserves the chosen airway management.
LarynxLock the product
Key benefits
Solves the leakage
Easy to use and self explanatory
Quicker to use than changing SAD
Quicker to use than Intubating
Lower cost than Intubating
Single use product with minimal environmental impact
Completely safe for the patient
Larynxlock brings an innovative and
original solution to anesthesiologists
Solve the leakage
Always in full control
Saves OR time (Up to 10-15 min)
Avoid an “unexpected difficult airway”
Reduce patient risk
Reduce cost of materials used in OR (Up to €100)
So, why not use LarynxLock?
Validation LarynxLock
Several investigations have shown that LarynxLock is a solution for a relevant problem*
Clinical study
Literature study
Tests in practice
LarynxLock Milestones
Pre-seed 150k
Concept stage with proof of concept
Clinical study with success rate > 80%
Product ready for engineering and production
CE Marking
First commercial & repeat sales
Larynxlock in 6 hospitals in NL
Enter UK, FR and DE markets
Scale up ROW
The team
Meet and greet with us.
Find out how you can become part of the solution!
Contact info
LMA Optimizer BV
Oxfordlaan 55
6229 EV Maastricht
The Netherlands
Arno Godding
+31 6 48410928