Interview results
Interviews done amongst 20 anesthesiologists in the Netherlands and UK
Problem recognition
Everybody recognizes this problem
Problem incidence
5 - 10% problem incidence
Disposible or re-use?
Everybody suggests disposible
Target group
- Elderly
- People with no teeth
- Bariatric
- Badly positioned Laryngeal masks
Main advantages LarynxLock
- Patient safety improved
- No longer rotational times
- No interruption work flow
- Hands free for the anesthesiologists
Problem opinion
Downside leaking mask
Consequences intubating
- Extra time needed OR: 10- 15 min
- Surgery needs to be stopped when patient is off the ventilation
- Additional cost
- Risk of complications patient:
- Sore throat
- Dental damage
- Pneumonia
- Vocal cord damage